While playing Minecraft, a video game that helps you to build and create blocks in the digital world, there are certain settings you will need to put in place to enable you to play the game without any glitch, and one of them is getting a “sharpness 1000” sword.

In this post, we’d be taking you through how to arm yourself with a sharpness 1000 sword in Minecraft. Read on to learn more.

get sharpness 1000 sword minecraft


How to get a sharpness 1000 sword in Minecraft

The following steps will walk you through how to get a sharp 1000 sword in Minecraft:

  1. Turn on your data and ensure you have a network connection.
  2. If you have not downloaded the game.
  3. While playing the game, Minecraft. You can get a sharpness 1000 sword by using command blocks but you will need to have an entry to modern programs like Windows 10 if you do not have one.
  4. Click on the menu bar and look out for the chest option.
  5. The chest itself is a square with many blocks in it and on the chest, you will notice two swords one is glittering while the other is not. Click on the diamond sword glittering you will notice it has a sharpness of 1000 with attack damage of 1257. Please note that it doesn’t always have to be a diamond sword.
  6. After you have clicked on the glittering sword. Choose any dragon of your choice to test the sharpness of the sword you have chosen.

Note: You can also use the other non-glittering sword on the chest but you will need to add a free tag and name it Op sword. Once you have done that, there will be changes on the sword immediately. Pick a dragon of your choice and check out the sharpness of the sword you have chosen.

The second option available is:

On the command block, configure the settings in this order:

  1. Ensure you turn the block type to impulse.
  2. Ensure you turn the condition to conditional.
  3. Also, ensure Redstone is turned active and the command input should be effect@a[tagsOpsword] strength 1 25 true.

I recommend 25 because it is enough to destroy any dragon immediately.

The Essence Of Sharpness To A Sword In Minecraft

The sharpness comes about by the application of enchantment to a sword in Minecraft that boosts the melee damage and enables the sword to crush any dragon that CrossFit’s the way.

Related Frequently Asked Questions

How many players can play Minecraft?

There is no precise number of players that can play Minecraft but the maximum is 100 thousand players. However, you may have a hard time getting many players. The most important thing is having good hardware to run the server, Ram and your storage should be large enough. Due to the number of gamers that often play the Minecraft game, their servers are often connected to Bungeecord which then connects to numerous servers.

As suggested by a fellow gamer and lover of the Minecraft game. The above steps can help get a sharpness 1000 sword in Minecraft. Happy reading!

What level is a sword sharpened and ready to use?

A sword is sharpened at level 5 and ready to use immediately. When the sword is sharpened to this level, it becomes more powerful and effective.

Is Minecraft free?

Minecraft is not for free however, it has a free trial that is usable on Android, Windows 10, Playstation 3&4 and Vita. The free period varies depending on the specific device in use at the moment.

What age is proper for Minecraft?

The proper age for Minecraft as stated by ESRB(Entertaining Software Rating Board) and this is a result of its fantasy disarray.

Is Minecraft instructional?

Yes, Minecraft is instructional because it magnifies cleverness, reasoning, teamwork, instinct and other vital skills. For instance, In the classroom setting, Minecraft motivates a child to read, write and learn ancient subjects

How many game modes does Minecraft have?

There are four game modes in Minecraft and they include:

Creative mode: This is the mode that creates an enabling environment to establish whatever you want to form particularly as a beginner. You will not struggle gathering blocks to build a castle. Things are pretty easy in this mode.

Survival mode: Since Minecraft is a game of research, things are not as easy as one thinks in this mode. This mode comes with constraints, struggle,s and skills to fight adversaries. The only advantage you can grab in this mode is the ability to gather woods for structure as soon as the game begins.

Adventure mode: This mode is beyond the creative and survival mode as it comes with greater challenges. Here kids have to develop a game that directs the partner through a story.

Hardcore mode: Just as the name implies, this mode is quite a difficult one and it can only be played on java edition. It is quite difficult using this mode as you have to survive with one life.

Are there parental control settings for Minecraft?

Presently, there are no parental control settings for the game, Minecraft. Nevertheless, there is a way to prevent your child from playing with others particularly in your absence. The options available are:

  1. Singleplayer: This option is available to just one player where no one will be able to play the game with you or will try to communicate with you via the Minecraft chat.
  2. Multiplayer: Here in this mode, other players can join to play the game with you whether publicly or privately and this includes the Minecraft chat.

How many versions are available in Minecraft?

So far, three(3) versions of Minecraft are available and they include:

  1. The PC version: This is the most popular and rapidly used version that has a friendly user experience that allows one to play with many players.
  2. Mobile version: This version of Minecraft is available to both IOS and android users with a provision of a community that lets you interact with others.
  3. Console version: This last version of Minecraft is available to the users of Xbox and PlayStation.
About the Author GQadmin

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