If you play Minecraft via the Hamachi networking service, it’s normal to encounter occasional issues with Hamachi when you won’t be able to connect to Minecraft servers. A lot of players also encounter these issues and there are various ways to fix them.

The problem is usually caused by some settings on your computer or a network server on Hamachi. In this guide, we will show you some very useful fixes that have been tried, and they successfully solved the issue.

minecraft hamachi not working

[Minecraft] Hamachi Not Working: How to Fix

Here’s a quick list of things you can try to solve this issue:

  1. Set the network to private
  2. Update Minecraft to the latest version
  3. Check for and enable jawaw.exe in your Windows firewall settings
  4. Turn off the Windows firewall
  5. Use IPV4 address

You can check these fixes out one by one until you find the one that works.

1. Set the network to private

When you are using Hamachi with a new network, you need to change it from Public to Private in your WiFi settings.

  • To open your settings, press Windows key+I
  • Click on Network & Internet
  • Look for WiFi and click on it. Then click on Manage known networks
  • Select your network and click on Properties.
  • If the network is set as Public, change it to Private.

2. Update Minecraft to the latest version

It’s possible there is an update available and that is why you can’t use the Hamachi. If you update your Minecraft and you’re playing with multiple users, they will have to use the same update. So you might need to tell the other players to update to the latest software too.

  • Open your Minecraft Launcher.
  • On the Minecraft Launcher window, you’ll see “Options”, click on it
  • There is a Force Update button that will be at the bottom, click on it.
  • Now click on the done button

3. Enable jawaw.exe

After installing Minecraft on your computer, there is a file named ‘jawaw.exe’ which you need to enable on the Windows Firewall.

  • Open the Start Menu and search for Control Panel
  • Now, search for the firewall
  • Click on Allow an app through Windows Firewall.
  • Below it you’ll see “change settings”, click on it.
  • Start looking for jawaw.exe entry. If you find more than two entries, select all of them in both the Private and Public column.
  • Click the OK button.

If you’re using a third-party antivirus, such as Kaspersky, you will need to first check if Minecraft isn’t blocked, then check for jawaw.exe entries.

4. Turn off the Windows firewall

  • Launch the WDF Control Panel applet
  • Click on Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off
  • In the settings that appear, you’ll see Private and Public.
  • Underneath them select “Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended)”
  • Click on turn off.

If you’re using third-party antivirus software, such as Avast, it might include options that you can select to disable its shield for a specific period.

To be on the safe side, always turn on the firewall protection after playing your Minecraft.

5. Use IPV4 address

You need to use the correct IP address for Hamachi to work. The address you need to is IPv4, not IPv6. You can find the correct one with two different methods.

Method 1

  • Click the option next to the power button on the Hamachi Interface
  • Select Copy IPv4 address.

Method 2

  • Open Command Prompt
  • Type this command ipconfig to find the IPv4 address
  • The IPv4 address will appear, copy it.
  • Find server.properties file inside the folder where you installed Minecraft and open it.
  • The IPv4 address you copied, you will paste it after ‘server-ip=’ line without any spaces
  • Save it as serverproperties (remove the dot)


If none of the solutions resolve the issue, it might be a problem with Mods. Lots of Minecraft players use Mods, and it changes the gameplay, player’s appearance, and how they interact with the world inside the game. This is actually cool, but it can cause issues. There have been complaints that using Mods caused LAN not to work properly.

About the Author GQadmin

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