If you’re trying to log into your Minecraft account and you receive a “Login failed. Invalid username or password” error, this means your login information is incorrect. You’ll have to change your password before you can be able to login into your account again.

minecraft not letting me login

Minecraft Not Letting Me Log In: Other Causes & Solutions

If you experience other error messages, there are different ways to resolve them. You can try out the solutions below:

1. Check for server issues

This might be why Minecraft login isn’t working because the problem comes from their server which may be down for maintenance. There is nothing you can do about this; the job should be left to their developers to find a way around it. When the server is back online, you’ll be able to log in again.

As stated on the Minecraft official page, errors like “invalid username” or “password and login failed” are temporary issues, and they will be resolved automatically within an hour or so.

If you got the account from a third party, you should check the validity of the user credentials for the Minecraft account. Restrain from trying to log in repeatedly because it can lock the account for 24 hours.

To check if the Minecraft server is down, you can check Minecraft.net forum or Reddit to see if other players are having similar issues.

2. Reset Minecraft account password

This is a fast way to settle the log in issue. If it’s showing an incorrect password, then it means you might have forgotten the password you used to register the account. All you need to do is change the password.

  • Go to the Minecraft Forgot Password page.
  • Input your email address and click on Forgot Password.
  • You’ll receive a Reset Your Password link in your email address. Open your email and click on the link.
  • Input a new password.
  • Try logging into your Minecraft account. It should work perfectly now.

3. Try a different browser

If you’re still unable to login into your account, you can try using another internet browser to see if the issue persists.

  • Open a different browser. You can use a browser you already have or you can download a new one.
  • Go to Minecraft and enter your login details, then try logging in.
  • If you’re able to login successfully, then the issue is with the other browser.
  • Go to the other browser you weren’t able to use to log in, then clear the browser cache and cookies. It should allow you to login now.

4. Flush DNS configuration

There is network information stored in the cache, so when you flush the DNS it will remove the information and your computer will be forced to find new DNS information.

  • Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  • Type cmd into the empty field box, then click on OK to open the Command Prompt.
  • Input this Ipconfig /flushdns inribrge in the command prompt, then click on Enter.
  • When you see the success message, you can close the command prompt.
  • Open Minecraft and log in. It should work now.


If it’s a technical error message, then the fault is from Fortnite and it’s usually a temporary issue. You can wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour before attempting to log in again, and this time around it should work because the issue would have been resolved by the developers.

Also, if you try logging in multiple times in a row and it fails, you might be locked out and you’ll have to wait for 24 hours before you can gain access again. If the locked-out phase doesn’t end within 24 hours, you should contact customer support for assistance.

About the Author GQadmin

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